Accelerated Reader Program
At School AR Testing Schedule
At School AR Testing Schedule
At School AR Testing Schedule
- Students are allowed to take AR Quizzes at school, on their Chromebooks.
The Foulks Ranch Accelerated Reader Program
The Foulks Ranch Accelerated Reader Program
The Foulks Ranch Accelerated Reader Program
As a school, we are excited about our Intranet AR through Renaissance Learning and are confident that it supports our students’ success. The focus of this program is for students in 1st through 6th grades to improve their reading skills and to ‘plant the seed’ for our students to become lifelong readers for learning and enjoyment. Our school has a subscription to all Renaissance AR Quizzes that are available, over 100,000 quizzes!
Students read books from their classroom, public, or school library. Once they have completed a book, they take a comprehension test on the computer. Based on their percentage of correct answers, they will be awarded a designated number of points for each test completed. These points are then accrued throughout the year for various incentives and report card assessments. Accelerated Reader (AR) allows students to take on-campus quizzes on books they have read for points. Each book has a designated reading level as well as a point value.
- How to– take an AR STAR Test (primary)
- How to– take an AR STAR Test (intermediate)
- How to– take an AR quiz (K-3)
- How to– view your progress (K-3)
- How to– take an AR quiz (4-6)
- How to– view your progress (4-6)
Improve the School-to-Home Connection: With Home Connect, you can link school and home to make reading practice even more effective. By connecting to this website from your home computer, students and parents can:
- See progress toward reading goals.
- Conduct book searches.
- Review quiz results.
- View the number of books read, words read, and quizzes passed.
- And much, much more.
Your child then uses his or her Renaissance Place/Accelerated Reader username and password to log in to Home Connect from home. With Home Connect you can also click on Email Setup, to sign up to receive emails showing your child’s quiz. Keep in mind that this website is only to view your child’s progress in Accelerated Reader.
Our school-wide incentive program is outlined here:
Our school-wide incentive program is outlined here:
Our school-wide incentive program is outlined here:
2 points: Accelerated Reader bookmark
10 points: Accelerated Reader pencil
25 points: Lanyard + 25 point medal
75 points: 75 point medal
150 points: 150 point medal
250 points: 250 point medal
500 points: 500 point medal
750 points: 750 point medal
1000 points: 1000 point medal + Your name engraved on the “Mitchell Rubin 1000 Point” plaque
2000 points: Your name engraved on the “Tyler Martin 2000 Point” plaque
4000 points: Your name engraved on the “Kiyomi Sun 4000 Point” plaque
These awards are handed out weekly on Falcon Friday.
Wear your Lanyard to School
Wear your Lanyard to School
Wear your Lanyard to School
Students are encouraged to wear their lanyards as often as they’d like.
Lanyards count as spirit wear if worn on Fridays.
We would like to thank our PTO for making this incentive program possible at our school. We are very excited about this and are confident AR assists us in helping our students become better readers.